Corporate Training

As an educational institution certified by the Canada Federal Government's Ministry of Labour, Explanations Unlimited has provided corporate training programmes and private instruction to numerous organizations throughout Toronto and area. Since 1980, our clients have trusted their academic and training needs to our Corporate Training Division.

Explanations Unlimited's Corporate Training Division specializes in creating lively, interactive, customized workshops and courses in English As A Second Language (E.S.L.), French As A Second Language (F.S.L.), and Business English programmes for small- to medium-sized businesses. Taking an individualized approach to training, these programmes may be provided on-site, at your convenience, by experienced professional trainers. We develop specific programmes to meet our clients' needs, goals and time-lines, thereby maximizing employee participation, course efficiency, and skill acquisition.

The Director, Evelyn Bornstein, would be pleased to discuss how our services may help your company achieve its employee professional development goals and training objectives. Please feel free to email her at, or via any other method listed on the Contact Us page.